The Entrepreneur’s Journey


A person gets to a point in life where they realize, a conventional career will never work for them. They don’t fit that mold and never will.

They need freedom, they need autonomy, and they need challenge... or they’ll lose their mind.

If that’s you, then you need to become an entrepreneur.

But here’s what will happen when you do.

You’ll question authority and never be content toeing the line.

You’ll always want to know why, not just how.

You’ll prefer dangerous truths over comforting lies.

And you’ll walk the fine line between feast and famine, and come face to face with the most primal of fears... the fear for your survival.

The entrepreneur’s journey is no walk in the park.

My entrepreneur’s journey began a long time ago. I was an industrial designer, a university lecturer, and I became a private defense consultant.

I had some wins.

I had some losses.

Neither came easy.

One sunny afternoon in the summer of 2017, my heart was heavy. I sensed my time as a defense consultant coming to an end.

The bills were mounting but there were nothing new in the pipeline.

And I was tired.

I was about to comfort myself with work when I heard a small voice within saying: “let go”. So, I walked down to my local café.

On the way, something made me look up, and I saw a full moon looming large above me in the azure blue sky.

It stopped me in my tracks.

Sitting at the café, at my wit’s end, a weird sense of release came over me and I realized this deep truth: the center of chaos is where you find answers to the burning questions of your soul.

I call it “the eye of the storm”.

I had reached the eye of my storm.

Because it’s where I got the one big idea I needed, to create the life of freedom, autonomy, and challenge I now thrive in.

The conventional wisdom everyone follows is to run from the storm. But success is not running from the storm, it’s conquering the storm.

You must conquer the storm, and the only way to do that is to journey into its center.

The entrepreneur’s journey is a journey into the storm of life, into chaos itself.

It’s not nice.

It’s not safe.

Conventional wisdom will fail you.

But at the same time...

You’ll never be bored.

You’ll never feel more alive.

And you’ll get the revelation of what you’re seeking, that you’ll never find any other way.



Nick Hardman
Chief Coach & CEO