Thank You

The String Theory Bluprint is your first step to getting off the damned couch, coming into your power and getting ultimate revenge the right way.

It’s called a “bluprint” because I think of it as a kind of master plan for your mind.

What do I mean by "ultimate revenge" and "the right way"?

Ultimate revenge is about delivering what the narcissist fears most of all, and that's you living as your true self and coming into your natural abundance (spiritually but also in material terms) without them.

But doing this will require you to adopt certain principles and shifts in your mindset, so that you will recognize the triggers, ploys and setups, that may look and feel like opportunities for revenge on the surface, but are really traps to pull you back into the narcissist's toxic game and keep you there.

The String Theory Bluprint will trigger your powerful subconscious (which never sleeps) to begin thinking about the idea of leverage.

Leverage is about amplifying your effectiveness, in terms of your time and energy, so that you can find the "natural resonant frequency" where you get wildly better results compared to the effort you put in.

Each of us has our own natural resonant frequency, the challenge is being able to identify it and to re-organize our lives around it, so that we know where and how to concentrate our time and energy.

The ability to do that in your life, despite the setbacks and pain you might be suffering from right now, is going to be a major ingredient to your success.


String Theory Bluprint


String Theory Manifesto


String Theory Application Guide


Check your inbox too - I have added you to the next email series, which goes up to Day 20.

You’re going to see just how deep this rabbit hole goes AND you’re going to lean how to get ultimate revenge on the narcissist who was sabotaging your success.

WARNING: The story is going to get progressively more intense and weird.


To your peace…


Nick Hardman