The journey within the journey is the real journey

The Sapphire Plain

A place more real than reality, where you learn to turn your dreams into powerful life-changing ideas so that you
stop sleep-walking through life and wake up to who you really are, finally

because your time is short

Suddenly you’re awake, but it ain’t this world.

You’re standing on a plain, feeling it at your feet.

It’s perfectly flat, smooth as glass and gleaming sapphire blue.

Lightning crackles off on the distant horizon…

… yet the air is clear, still and warm.

You’re relaxed but alert, vital and strong… it’s not the old body you’ve known.

Somebody hit the reset button and all of the earthly flaws and weaknesses are gone.



Now you look up, and in the distance looms a sparkling sapphire pyramid of jaw-dropping scale.

Its apex pierces the sky, up into the stars, and at the top is light…

dazzling light.

Something’s up there, you’re not sure what it is and quite honestly it scares you…

… some kind of gateway.

You’re awestruck.

Even in this new transcendent realm, there are still levels.

But one thing’s for sure it’s where you need to go, it’s where' you’re gonna go and you know it.

Welcome to the Sapphire Plain.

Do you know what the most insidious form of failure is?

It’s to succeed at the wrong thing or at something that doesn’t matter, only to find (at the end of it all, when it’s too late) that you missed the things, or the one thing, that really mattered all along.


You’re born helpless and defenceless into this cruel world, and there’s a hidden cosmic conspiracy to confuse you from day one.

The problem is that if you just mosey on through (like most people), amusing yourself with bright shiny trinkets and ultimately trivial pursuits, you’ll remain lethally clueless about who you really are and just why the hell you exist in the first place.

When I stopped and sat down to see that I’d lost 5 jobs within the first 5 years of my professional career, I faced this question head on.

(There’s nothing quite like being married with two small kids, pacing the house at 2am with 3 maxed out credit cards, $532 in the bank, and the knowledge that your career’s fallen off a cliff).

But if I hadn’t gone through all that hell, I would never have come out the other side enlightened enough to become a defence consultant earning $1000 a day.

However, don’t let that fool you.

The true value of that was not money, but time and space to do the vital work of thinking and reflecting…

… that’s where the power is.

But how do you tap into it?

Well, you must be baptized.

I died down in the waters of chaos only to emerge alive and victorious into a whole new reality.

Die to live.

And in this new reality I was no longer:

  • lethally aimless and morbidly demotivated about living

  • lethally clueless about how being aimless and demotivated strained my relationships with the people closest to me, like my wife, so that I’d feel even worse and be even less effective at nurturing them

  • lethally clueless about my natural talents and how to channel them all into one coherent purpose (my natural talent core)

  • lethally clueless about how investing in my natural talent core amplified results far beyond what IQ and hard work alone could ever achieve

  • lethally clueless about the true value of money and how to use it effectively

  • lethally clueless about how 20% of what I did created 80% of my results, which meant that the vast majority of my efforts were a complete waste of time

  • lethally clueless about how to recognize a powerful idea and not murder it before it was born

  • lethally clueless about the power of the subconscious, and how it has over half the neurons of the entire human brain and it never sleeps

  • embarrassingly parochial in my attitude to hard work, and how the universe rewards results and not effort (the sharper your axe the less you have to swing it)

  • tragically naïve in my attitude to intelligence, and the smart person’s predilection for tackling difficult problems (cuz they’re usually the most interesting) that don’t produce significant results

  • lethally clueless about the importance of creating reinforcing feedback loops and network effect in your business (if you want to survive in the 21st century)

  • lethally clueless about how people don’t buy prevention, they wait until they get the disease and then spend everything they have on the cure

  • lethally clueless about how most businesses are on the diminishing returns curve, drowning in an ocean of debt and a heartbeat away from total ruin

  • clueless about how the future is undetermined and that you’re free to shape yours however you please (the goal is to expand your range of possible free options… to move up the pyramid)

  • lethally clueless about how staying in the bootstrapping mindset of the traditional entrepreneur will inevitably retard your growth, put massive strain on your personal relationships and maybe even kill you

  • lethally clueless about the cosmic principles of pyramids, growth and succession… and how our Western liberal democratic egalitarian mindset can get in the way

  • severely simplistic in my traditional Western European Christian understanding of God, about how he doesn’t do everything himself but runs the cosmos through a tiered hierarchy of divine subordinates (some of whom hated his idea that you should exist, and are now actively working to destroy you)


Mr or Mrs CEO, I’m talking to you… you weren’t put on this earth just to work yourself to death making somebody else rich.

Mr or Mrs Entrepreneur, I’m talking to you… you weren’t put on this earth to work yourself to death and sacrifice your personal relationships, just to accumulate mounds of moolah that you never get to enjoy nor use effectively.

What’s your true purpose?

Chances are it has something to do with your natural talents (it’s why you have them)…

… and the objective here is about amalgamating them all into one coherent expression that puts enough bread on the table for you and your loved ones, but leaves you with precious time and energy to play your part well in this grand cosmic enterprise.

Use your time well, you ain’t got as much of it as you think.

You must architect all of your talents
into one coherent expression

It took me many painful years of rabbit holes leading nowhere, to gain the insight that kept me from losing my mind (some of which I’ve touched on above).

The good news is that you can significantly shortcut your own journey, or save yourself from sailing off into oblivion altogether, by joining the Sapphire Plain.

Join the Sapphire Plain: $99/month


What You’ll Get

On the Sapphire Plain, the guesswork is eliminated and your time searching for answers is slashed by connecting with others going in the same direction. It’s where you reap the benefits of network effect.

Here’s what you get…

  1. The top secret monthly Sapphire Plain Bluprints

    • Actual cyanotype blueprints, mailed direct to your door, which communicate the core cosmic principles that link business ideas, family relationships and the universe itself, in a way that burns deep into your powerful subconscious

  2. Sapphire Plain Private Discussion Forum

    • A private paying members only network (no jerks, no trolls) of business professionals and intelligent serious people, with knowledge & skills complimentary to yours - so that you can get an answer to your most pressing questions, about life or business, that you can’t get anywhere else

Why You Need This

Problems in life, business and personal relationships are systemic.

They never exist in isolation but are always the result of smaller, seemingly insignificant beliefs, assumptions, ideas and decisions that concatenate into your present reality.

What makes systemic problems so insidious is that they can’t be fixed from the inside.

You’ll never have the perspective, on your own, to see the forest from the trees…

… so you need to get out of yourself to get the vital 50,000 foot view that’s required.

And slick, pre-packaged do-it-for-you, quick fixes can never teach you to develop and use the unique mix of talents you already have.

So quit stumbling in the dark and come towards the light.

Join The Sapphire Plain now.