Writing Good Sales Copy
Good sales copy penetrates the reader’s mind.
You must select your words well, as the more words you use the less impact they have.
But think about how you arrange your words too.
The arrangement of words produces rhythmic patterns in the reader’s mind. And if you want them to read your writing with ease so that you hold their attention, you need to know which pattern to use and where.
Good sales copy targets the reader’s core problem.
You must have a deep understanding of your client’s core problem and use your sales copy to target that problem specifically.
The more specific their problem, the clearer your solution is… and the clearer your solution is, the more they will want to buy it.
Good sales copy makes the reader take action.
Like a story-teller leads the reader towards a gripping climax, you must lead your reader the same way.
The only difference is, you must structure your sales copy in such a way, that to reach the climax they must take action.
If you write good sales copy, you will zero-in in on your ideal client, weed out the tire-kickers, and greatly increase your sales.
If not, then 99% of your marketing and advertising dollars will go to waste.
Is Your Sales Copy Performing As Well As It Could Be?
Send it to me for a sales copy audit.
Nick Hardman
Copy Writer
Industrial Designer