Full Report Post-Discard


I have a degree in industrial design and a science degree in psychology.

It took 7 years and a lot of dollars to get these qualifications.

But my college education is not the reason why you should listen to me.

The only reason that you should listen to me, is because I’ve been through what you are going through and have come out the other side stronger, wiser and better than ever before.

The internet is awash with “experts” who want to give you the medical definitions and various academic categories of narcissism. There’s overt, covert, malignant, and borderline, to name but a few.

But take it from me (as someone who is comfortable with academic jargon)… you don’t need to know any of it.

*NB: the only expert is one who has walked this path, gone to the bitter end, and come out the other side*

In fact, trying to diagnose the toxicity you were dealing with (and maybe still are), will only leave you with more questions… and that will put you at risk of staying in the state of confusion you’re currently in.

That is dangerous.

It’s dangerous because confusion leads to self-doubt, which leads to fear, which leads to making bad decisions, which leads to suffering… which makes it more and more difficult to make the right decisions required to get out of it.

Right now, what you need is clarity.

You need clarity on where you’re at, where you’re going, and what to do.

Sometimes I look back on the 12+ years I spent in a toxic narcissistic relationship and think... if only someone had taken me aside about 10 years ago, and shown me the path I was on and where it would inevitably lead… maybe I would not have lost so much time, wasted so much energy, and gone through so much pain.

But alas, nobody was talking about narcissism back then. The older generations never shared their wisdom on this crucial area of the human experience (probably because they didn’t have any). And my expensive psychology degree was pretty much useless.

But I am part of the new generation that have had our eyes opened by experience.

I have lived through it, overcome it, and now I’m ready to help you do the same.

I might just be the person I wish I had met 10 years ago… to you.

So, don't pass up this opportunity to get clarity now… and avoid ongoing loss.

As long as you dedicate your mind to learning how to navigate this path…

There is hope.

All is not lost.

You will come out the other side, stronger, wiser, and better than ever before.


The Narcissistic Cycle

How They Bring You Down


Initiating Love Bomb
When the narcissist seduces you with fake validation and you become emotionally invested in them.

Abuse / Crazy Making
When the narcissist attacks you for no apparent reason.

Hoover / Future Fake
When the narcissist swings into damage control by showering you with false promises.

Your New Normal
When your emotional equilibrium returns but at a lower level than before.

Red Flags
Events, instances, and interactions involving the narcissist that are negative, unexpected, and out of place.


You Are In Post-Discard


You are in the post-discard stage of the narcissistic cycle

Good News

You have exited the toxic relationship, so obtaining success and ultimate revenge is now possible. Although it might not currently feel like it, your potential to turn this apparent disaster into victory is high.

Bad News

If you don’t feel any improvement within the first 3 months post-discard, then you are on the loss curve. You are at risk of going back into the cycle (which will be much worse the second time) or from compounding your losses in the danger zone, and continuing to be robbed of the life you should be living.

Ongoing failure to heal resulting in ever decreasing peace, happiness, loss of relationship with people you care about and who care about you, missed opportunities, and material blessing.

Healing Curve
Exponential increase in peace, happiness, new opportunities, and material blessing. It’s never too late to get on the healing curve, even if you’re on the loss curve.


Get The Full 16 Page Report

Get The Post-Discard Full Report Now


For the information in the report to be effective for you, it cannot be just a digital download.

It needs to be something that you can hold in your hand and readily refer back to… and there is nothing better for that than the printed word.

For this reason, the report cannot be free.

But I understand that right now your finances might not be that strong, so I have tried to minimize the cost as far as possible.

For just $19, you will get a printed physical copy of the full report (all 13 pages) and a digital pdf version as well. The price of $19 will cover the cost of printing and postage.

Here’s what you’re going to get for your money…

  • A bound and printed 16-page report, mailed to you.

  • A detailed explanation of the Love Bomb/Hoover, and why you became the primary target for the narcissist.

  • A detailed explanation of narcissistic Abuse/Crazy Making, the psychology behind it, and its purpose.

  • A detailed explanation of the Hoover/Future Fake, and how it keeps you locked in the narcissistic cycle.

  • A detailed explanation of Your New Normal, and how the real impact of returning to a sense of emotional equilibrium masks what’s actually happening to you.

  • A detailed explanation of what Red Flags are, and a list of 165 examples to arm yourself with.

  • And (most importantly) a detailed 12-month Healing Plan to help you get on, and stay on, the healing curve… even if you’re on the loss curve.

It’s never too late to get on the healing curve, even if you’re on the loss curve (which is part of the reason why having an enduring printed copy is so important).

This report is going to help give you the clarity you need, that I mentioned above.

But if for any reason the report does not shine any light on your situation, and you are not satisfied with it… let me know and I will refund you in full and you can keep it.

Failing to heal after exiting a toxic abusive relationship with a narcissist is lethal. But if you know the right moves to make… the road to recovery is not as long nor as hard, as you might think.

Get the Post Discard Full Report

You will get 165 examples of Red Flags to pay attention to.

You will get the Post-Discard 12 Month Healing Plan.

The report will also give you the post-discard Key Moves To Make, that will help you get on and stay on the healing curve (staying on it is crucial).

But things will not improve on their own… you must take action.

Get The Full Report